14 October 2007

More Trouble on the Cyber-frontier

Of course Blackboard would be having trouble again, just as I was trying to shoot some fast responses to my students on their draft of the media mid-term. The system would not let me post at all. SO . . . I had to pull a rabbit out of my hat and decided to email everyone with all the responses. The plan was to post holistic responses to each paper in Bb so everyone could see the range of issues (grades were posted in the private grade book). The interesting thing is, this approach has made me re-evaluate how I respond to papers. Instead of “justifying grades” I have to respond directly to the issues with the particular draft—otherwise, it would be the same as posting grades publicly (which is, of course, illegal). It was very interesting to see how similar my responses were. They were identical in many cases because the problems fall within certain categories. Ooops. Another issue just came up . . . .

More later . . . .


Mary. said...

That was really a great ides to response to our writing immediately. But my paper wasn't there and I didn't get any response. I have already post my paper 4 in the drop box. Will you please read it and comment on it?

Mary. said...

oops! mistake! there should be *great Idea* and * to repond* in the mistaken places.

C. Jason Smith said...

Hi Mary-- Can you post it to the Workshop instead? I have had some issues with Blackboard this weekend.-J

Pantera820 said...

thanx for the comments, its shows you can when you read them. And i think your doing great so far keep up the good work :)-

C. Jason Smith said...

OK-- The emails did not properly send and it did not let me know. Odd.

C. Jason Smith said...

Hi Nikki-- Thanks for the comments!

Geoff Klock said...

Jason -- My blog now has a link to your blog. Some electronic things still work. So keep the faith.

C. Jason Smith said...


I am sure your blog-roll folks will think I am completely nuts (in the bad way). In any case, thanks for the link!

Samantha said...

I am glad I got all my grades ,I need to work on my paper . I am behind a little with everything but by the end of this week I will be back on task.

C. Jason Smith said...

Samantha--OK! Get on it!

Pantera820 said...

your funny Dr Smith. Your blogs coming along very nicely

C. Jason Smith said...


Yes, I am hilarious and you missed the Museum trip. What is up with that?

jenna28 said...

I understand what our assignment is. And i love the bloog Dr. S